About KHA

Kingston Hill Academy (KHA) is dedicated to providing students with the opportunity for an inclusive, individualized, and challenging curriculum that supports them to reach their full potential.

Kingston Hill Academy Educational Goals

  • Student proficiency rates will increase by at least each year as indicated by student performance on the Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS).
  • Standards-based practices will be used in each classroom.
  • Our curriculum and instructional methods will meet the academic, social, physical and emotional needs of all students.
  • KHA’s objectives and goals are aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a national effort to define the knowledge and skills that students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate from high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. KHA has utilized the standards as a framework from which to derive measurable and objective outcomes for students across content areas and sub-skills. Thus, the KHA staff is able to report the skills that students can actually perform, and under what circumstances, as opposed to more abstract “understanding” of content area which is typically reported in public schools. 

What makes Kingston Hill Academy a Special School?

  • Each classroom has a full time teacher assistant who serves as a co-teacher. Instruction is able to be differentiated for each learners individual needs, whether those are above, at, or below grade level within the classroom on a daily basis. 
  • Teachers set high expectations for every student.
  • Learn more about our curriculum below.
  • KHA is a very close community of learners.
  • Students work with other classrooms and teachers on a regular basis through reading buddies, in-school Exploratory Learning Programs, after-school programs, regular school-wide events, and events from our fabulous PTO.
  • KHA is an inclusion school this means that all students are welcome in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute, and participate in all aspects of school life.
  • Exploratory Learning Programs (ELPs) held on Fridays. ELPs are special classes held for the last hour of the school day on Fridays. They allow students the opportunity to interact with other students and teachers across the school and to choose an area of interest to learn about that may not normally be taught in a regular classroom. Recent ELPs that have been offered include Line Dancing, Harry Potter Club, Cooking, Board Games, Soccer, Yoga, Sewing, Karate, Gardening, Team Sports, Sensory Play, Bird Watching, and much more. ELP offerings change throughout the school year.
  • KHA Kares Club offers before school care right at KHA. The mission of this Program is not only to provide childcare, but to also provide a safe, enjoyable atmosphere to students at the beginning of the school day. KHA also offers an after school program through the local YMCA. More information about before and after school programs see the Lunch and Kares Club tab.

Literacy & English Language Arts

Literacy/English Language Arts at KHA focuses on providing high-quality instruction, identifying potential reading difficulties, and developing literacy skills so that students may become life-long readers. Descriptions of the programs we use are below.  

  • Wonders: Wonders is an evidence-based K–5 ELA program that empowers students to take an active role in learning and exploration. Students will enjoy unparalleled opportunities to express and assess themselves through reading, writing, and speaking. Students encounter the right content at the right moment in their learning journey to promote strong educational outcomes for all.

  • UFLI:  UFLI is an explicit and systematic program that teaches students the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence. The program is designed to be used for core instruction in the primary grades or for intervention with struggling students in any grade.


Every student needs and deserves a rich and rigorous mathematics curriculum that is focused on the development of concepts, the acquisition of basic and advanced skills and the integration of problem-solving experiences. KHA encourages educators to provide challenging mathematics opportunities to foster the growth of intelligent, thoughtful, and mathematically literate members of society.  At KHA we use an integrated approach to mathematics outlined in the program description below. 

Eureka Math is a math curriculum for grades pre-K through 12 that aims to help students develop a solid understanding of math concepts, procedural skills, and fluency. The curriculum was written by teachers and math experts to align with college- and career-ready standards that emphasize critical thinking, conceptual understanding, and deeper learning. Eureka Math is designed to make math more enjoyable to learn and teach by connecting math to the real world 

A typical day at Kingston Hill Academy also includes...

All classes are team-taught by teachers and assistants and feature multi-sensory learning techniques while utilizing the latest in educational technology.

A foundation in scientific literacy prepares students to be confident and capable lifelong learners who are equipped with the skills needed to access, understand, evaluate, and apply information in various contexts.  The science curriculum aligns with the NGSS, Next Generation Science Standards, and provides students a foundation for life-long problem solving and fact-based decision-making skills.  Regardless of their academic standing, all students should have access to a rich and challenging science curriculum that will promote scientific literacy, while inspiring and supporting advanced study and science-related careers.  Descriptions of the programs we use are below. 


  • FOSS Web Next Generation Edition:  FOSS (Full Option Science System) is a research-based science curriculum for grades K-8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. FOSS has evolved from a philosophy of teaching and learning that has guided the development of successful active-learning science curricula for more than 40 years. The FOSS Program bridges research and practice by providing tools and strategies to engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of the natural and designed worlds.

Smartboards and Chromebooks are used in our classrooms. The mission of the Technology program is to provide a modern learning environment and to boost students’ capabilities of learning anytime and anywhere. Online access in classrooms significantly broadens the scope of any learning exercise, triggering information pursuit, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration.

Social Studies at KHA helps students understand the world in which they live and prepares them with the knowledge and skills to become informed, thoughtful, and active citizens in a culturally diverse democratic society and complex world.  KHA creates conditions for every student to think critically and collaboratively, and act as a creative, self-motivated, culturally, and globally competent learner. The Rhode Island Social Studies Standards guide the lessons.  

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM): Students at KHA are offered the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and deepen their understanding of the skills and content they learn in their core subjects through project-based learning opportunities. Students receive weekly instruction focused on STEAM projects that enhance their educational experience and increase access to the curriculum through varied media.  In addition, students are able to participate in activities that are of interest to them, create and express their perspectives, critically evaluate artistic pieces and develop an appreciation for various art forms while learning methods and techniques that artists use to create.  

Each week students receive music instruction.  Music at KHA is intended to teach students about an art form based on creating, performing, and responding.  KHA believes that the more students understand the basic elements of music the more they will enjoy the experience and enhance their appreciation.  Music class at KHA offers a variety of opportunities to explore methods of artistic expression and enhance personal creativity.

The goal of physical education at KHA is to teach students the concepts associated with health and wellness and provide students with the tools to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Students learn about various exercise and sports techniques, health issues, cooperation, safe play, and self-care.  Emphasis is also placed on teamwork and good sportsmanship.  KHA’s physical education program complies with all governing state laws and regulations.

State Testing:  

  • RICAS is administered to all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students each spring. This test is an assessment of student aptitude in the areas of Language Arts (Reading and Writing) and Mathematics.  The Next Generation Science Assessment is administered to 5th graders each spring.  Students are expected to meet proficiency levels in all areas of the test. KHA’s overall approach to its curriculum is designed to help students achieve proficient levels on these assessments. 

  • Students do not spend a great deal of instructional time on state assessment practice items.  They will be exposed to these practice tests, so they are familiar with the different kinds of questions being asked and what the expectations are for answering them. Please know that KHA staff believe that the most valuable time we can spend with students is on actual instruction of the standards appropriate for them.   

Methods of Instruction

The KHA curriculum encourages use of a variety of pedagogical methods to meet the diverse needs of our students. Teachers regularly evaluate students and make appropriate modifications to their lessons based on individual needs.  The wide range of student abilities makes this type of pedagogical responsiveness and differentiation necessary for student success. KHA seeks to motivate students by creating relevant and meaningful learning experiences in which all students can experience success. 

KHA seeks to impart curriculum in a constructivist frame. That is, the students actively construct their understanding while interacting with the content, the teacher and each other. They are responsible for their learning. The staff is there to guide, to hold high expectations, to organize a series of relevant experiences and to present content and information. The staff models appropriately for students and provides multiple opportunities for students to practice new skills and demonstrate success.  


The curriculum at KHA is a living framework, changing and adapting to student needs and national/state standards as required. KHA believes that a curriculum must address the very real demands of the world we live in, and we are systematically refining and improving the curriculum in purposeful and meaningful ways.

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