Nurse Judy welcomes families to ask questions about the health and safety of KHA students at any time.
Phone 783-8282
Fax 783-5656
Cell 203-9296
Please notify the school using any of the options below when your child is absent or planning on being tardy for school.
Call the school at 783-8282 and leave a message for either the main office or the health office.
E-mail Nurse Judy at
Extra Clothes
Be sure that your child has a change of clothes kept in school in their locker. Accidents, spills, and wet weather happen often, and students are much happier when they have their own clothes to change into. Please remember to refill as needed and with the change of the seasons.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is in the hallway near the new school addition. Be sure to have your child check the Lost and Found area regularly for any of their personal items that may have gotten misplaced. Also label clothing/outerwear with your child’s name to ensure a speedy return from the Lost and Found.
Change of Address/Phone
Please keep the school updated with any change of address and/or emergency phone numbers.
Peanut/ Tree Nut Policy
Kingston Hill Academy is NOT a peanut/tree nut free school.
Unless otherwise notified, students are permitted to bring peanut/tree nut food products to school for their personal consumption.
Students are not permitted to share food with other students while in school.
Any classroom’s food allergy policy will be based on a student’s individual food allergy needs and will be communicated to the classroom students, parents, and guardians accordingly.
Classroom Celebrations
Due to the importance of providing a supportive environment where students practice healthy behaviors, the following will apply for all in-school celebrations:
No food items will be permitted to be served or shared as in-school celebrations.
The distribution of candy by students and/or staff is prohibited during the school day.
Parents will not send in any food items for in-school celebrations.
Non-food items such as stickers, bookmarks, pencils, or other small items are encouraged.
When Is Your Child Too Sick To Attend School?
Talk to your child’s doctor or health care provider if you are unsure if they should stay home from school. As a general rule, your child should not go to school if they have:
A fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit (F) or 38° Celsius (C). Your child can return to school after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without any medicines that treat or prevent fever (Tylenol/Ibuprofen.
Diarrhea – Having loose poop (stool) more often that isn’t caused by a change in diet.
Throwing up (vomiting) – More than 2 times in a 24-hour period.
Coughing that disrupts normal activity.
Wheezing or short of breath.
Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
A new rash – Not all rashes mean your child must stay home from school. Check with their doctor or health care provider.
Attendance counts
Rhode Island Law requires parents/guardians to ensure that their children attend school on a regular basis. Daily attendance is a key factor in student success; thus, any absence from school is an educational loss for the student. Therefore, please make every attempt to refrain from picking up students early as there is valuable classroom time through the end of the school day.